Visual Arts
Courses Available to Upper School Students
Visual Art I Fundamentals reinforces and builds upon knowledge and skills developed at the elementary and middle school levels. The course is devoted to the study of the elements of art, art criticism, and correct use of materials. Students will have experiences in producing two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks and are provided a strong foundation in design, drawing, and vocabulary in a teacher-structured environment.
Visual Art II, Drawing & Painting The first semester (Drawing I) is devoted to exploring and developing drawing skills using basic drawing principles and techniques. Students focus on the application of the principles of design and composition, while refining existing skills and are also introduced new methods and vocabulary. Drawing from observation and rendering realistic subjects will be practiced through the use of materials including graphite, colored pencil, and pastel. The second semester (Painting I) focuses on the development of painting skills including the introduction to color theory, color mixing, and technique.
Visual Art III, Honors Drawing & Painting II This course is a continuation of skills from Drawing and Painting I (Art 2), with a more in depth approach to the study of art processes and techniques. The year is again divided into a concentration of drawing in the fall and painting in the spring, with a focus in both areas on observation and realism. The first semester (Drawing II) is devoted to continuing to refine drawing skills in the form of observational work, realistic rendering, and figurative work. Materials will include charcoal, graphite, colored pencil, and pastel. The second semester (Painting II), will focus on the advancement of painting skills to include mastery of color theory and technique.
Visual Art IV, Honors Senior Art Portfolio In this course, students refine and apply their personal style of art making through in-depth, semi-independent explorations of varied subjects, media, techniques, and aesthetics. Exceptional initiative, serious involvement, and commitment are expectations of the advanced art student. A portfolio evidencing high quality work and broad base of knowledge, and in-depth understanding of personal art forms is developed and refined. All work is based off of original reference photos taken by students as part of their summer work. The year is divided into two concentrations: Breadth (assigned projects) and Depth (independent exploration of subject and media) and culminates in the Senior Art Show, for which for which each student curates his/her own display, featuring a portfolio evidencing extremely high quality and a broad base of knowledge and skills. Self-reflection, targeted personal growth, and the ability to critique work are important components of this class.