Logos and Branding
Logo design by Katherine Kwiatkowski
The academic logo was redesigned in 2016, and retains the shape of the circle as we are on Yellow Wood Circle; which comes from "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.
The three pine trees represent the 3 schools, Lower, Middle, and Upper; and our students at different stages of development;
- The smallest one on the left represents the Lower School; it is smaller and has fewer boughs than the others, as it is a younger tree; it is firmly placed in the center of the path as it begins its journey here at PLP.
- The Middle School tree is on the right; has a few more boughs as it's a slightly older tree and progressing farther along the path; it is mostly on the path, however, one of its roots is beginning to reach off the path.
- The Upper School tree is the center tree; a more "mature" tree with bigger boughs; it is off the path, as this tree (student) is ready to start its own journey.
The trail shows a progression through the three schools.
*The gear represents our dedication to STEM, yet it's subtle since it is not our only path.
The ribbon on either side (Est. 2006) represents the ribbon on a diploma; the ribbons also "open" to show the story inside, much like a curtain opens on a stage.