Family Quick Links
Click each tab to learn more about each item. Click again to collapse information.
- Canvas
- Contacts at PLP
- Daily Schedules
- Financial Assistance
- Background Checks for Volunteers
- Family Resources
- Transcript Requests
- Exceptional Children
- Car Line Procedures
- Recent Emails
- Spirit Rock Signup
- School Supplies
Please see more details about Canvas, including video tutorials, here.
At Pine Lake Preparatory, we use Canvas as our main tool for accessing assignments for students, grading, and school/home communication. Every parent will need an observer account set up at the beginning of the school year. If you have an account set up through Pine Lake Preparatory, it will continue in subsequent years. Please be on the lookout for information on when Canvas parent sessions will be held beginning in July.
PLP only supports accounts made via the web platform at . If you choose to use the app on your mobile device, that is a separate account and we do not have any support for resetting passwords, accessing information, or navigating the mobile app.
Canvas Dashboard Basics:
Once you log into our Canvas account at, you will be taken to the main dashboard.
To view your child’s grades, click on the View Grades button along the right side of the screen.
You will be able to view your child’s courses by clicking on the tiles.
If you are ever “lost” click on the Dashboard icon on the left side of the screen to return home.
Please check back regularly as we build out additional resources for parents navigating the Pine Lake Canvas Community.
Who to Contact?
If you have a question regarding your Canvas account, please contact
Who needs an observer account?
All parents need an account. You will be sent directions in August.
How do I obtain an observer account?
If you have an observer account set up from the previous year, it will continue to be active as long as your child is enrolled at PLP.
If you are a new parent, you will be sent directions in August.
Can I have more than one child attached to my account?
Yes. All children from one family can be shared on one observer account.
What is a Pairing Code?
To create an observer account, you will need the Pairing Code. This can be generated by having your child log into their Canvas account. Under their Settings, there is an option to create a Pairing Code on the right side of the screen.
Contacts at PLP
Daily Schedules
Financial Assistance
Did you know Pine Lake Preparatory offers Financial Assistance for Families? Each year, qualifying families receive uniform pieces, lunches, waived fees and numerous other supports. Please click the link below to learn more.
Please see the attached document for information on financial assistance for families.
For more information, please contact
Financial Assistance 2024-2025
For more information, please contact
Background Checks for Volunteers
Volunteering/Background Check
Dear Pine Lake Preparatory Families,
The state of North Carolina requires that all volunteers who will work in an unsupervised capacity with students have a current background check on record with the school. Some ways that parents with background checks can assist are: chaperoning field trips, escorting students from place to place, etc.
To obtain a background check:
- See the link below, which will direct you to the secure, web based Background Information Bureau (BIB) site.
- Select the "I Want to Volunteer!" orange bar.
- Follow the steps to submit your volunteer background check, and pay a small fee of $11.95 via credit card
Your privacy and security are of the utmost importance to both Pine Lake Preparatory and BIB. Private, nonessential information is not disclosed to system administrators, and BIB is PCI Certified, with safeguards to protect personal data and credit card information.
Once the background check is complete, the volunteer will receive email notification regarding status and approval. Approved volunteers also receive a Secure Volunteer ID card, which they should bring, along with picture ID, to all volunteer events. If an ID card is lost, the volunteer is responsible for ordering a replacement at a charge of $5.00. Background checks must be conducted on an annual basis, and volunteers will not be allowed to use expired cards.
To order replacement cards:
- Click the link above
- Select "Get a Replacement Card"
- Follow the steps to request a replacement, and pay $5.00 fee via credit card
Individuals who would like to volunteer at Pine Lake Preparatory, but would prefer not to move forward with completing a background check, also have opportunity to do so. Simply contact your Teacher or Administrative Associate for additional information about opportunities that do not involve the supervision of students.
We would like to thank all of our volunteers for everything that you do and for all of your support.
Family Resources
Family Resources
The Parents' Guide to Student Achievement
This document has been created by Pine Lake Preparatory to provide information regarding student achievement via the school’s Parent's Guide to Student Achievement (PGSA).
Download the Parent's Guide to Student Achievement
The Family Guidebook outlines everything you need to know about Pine Lake's policies and procedures as well as our philosophy and guidelines.Please take the time to read the Family Guidebook so that you are fully educated about both your child and your expected experience here at Pine Lake. We look forward every year to watching your children grow and the strengthening of the bond we enjoy having with our Pine Lake families.
Download the full Family Guidebook here. (Currently being updated)
Pine Lake Preparatory Bullying Policy
Transcript Requests
Transcript requests for CURRENT students:
Transcript requests for FORMER students only:
Guest Registration Instructions
Your request will be processed as quickly as possible, however, please note that we do ask for a 5 day window to process your request.
Transcript Request
Exceptional Children
Pine Lake Preparatory
Exceptional Children’s Department
Pine Lake Preparatory program for Exceptional Children is dedicated to ensuring that all students with disabilities will have access to a full continuum of educational opportunities and services based on individual needs. Pine Lake Preparatory provides special education services and related services according to the federal mandates of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. This department also consults with the counseling department as needed on 504 plans that are written for students with a medical or mental impairment that significantly impairs a major life activity. This plan is part of the Rehabilitation Act of1993. Pine Lake Preparatory also provides support and training to the regular education teachers as needed to implement interventions,accommodations and modifications in the regular education classroom setting. The Public Schools of North Carolina, Exceptional Children Division provides local units with detailed policies for the delivery of special education services. These rules and regulations are detailed in Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities, Amended June 2010
Parent Contact for the Exceptional Children's Department:
Luke Ruggieri
EC Department Fax
Car Line Procedures
Morning Arrival
· If you have only Upper School students: 6:50 a.m. – 7:05 a.m. We ask that you stay in the left lane if possible so that students and staff can easily access parking lots. If you find yourself caught in the right lane (often is the case coming from Davidson), please recognize we have a staff member who will help you merge into the left lane near the ACC.
· US Students with LS Siblings Only: 6:55 a.m. Your LS student(s) should report to the ACC after being dropped off.
· Lower School Only: No earlier than 7:30 a.m. This is important so that we may successfully get Upper School families in and out prior to your arrival.
· Middle School Only: No earlier than 7:40 a.m. This is important so that we may successfully get the Upper and Lower School families in and out prior to your arrival.
· MS with siblings in Upper or Lower: You may arrive at sibling time slot; doors open at 7:00 a.m at the MS. Please recognize this is only MS student with siblings. MS students without siblings should not arrive until 7:40 am.
· All MS and US students should be dropped off at the Upper School. Please do not drop off at the STEM Building, Middle School or Fine Arts parking lots. Also, as a safety precaution for our students and families, cars are not permitted to exit campus from the STEM Building Parking Lot.
Afternoon Dismissal
· Upper School Students Only: Arrive at or after 2:00 p.m. Please use the outer lane (right) until you get past the line for Kindergarten pickup at the Lower School building, and then move into the inner lane (left).
· Families picking up Lower School students should be in the left lane when entering campus.
· Kindergarten ONLY: Arrive at 2:00 p.m., may line up in the inner (left) lane only.
· Lower School, and Lower School families with US siblings: Arrive no earlier than 2:40 p.m. (staging in left lane only; right lane must remain clear until 2:40 p.m). In addition, parents picking up younger students should not park in the Upper School lot prior to their designated arrival time, as this caused significant disruption to Upper School students trying to exit campus.
· Middle School with Lower School or Upper School Siblings: Please do not arrive prior to 2:50.
· Middle School: Please do not arrive earlier than 3:00 p.m. Begin in the outer (right) lane to travel to the Upper School to pick up your Middle School child. As you approach the Lower School, you will then be directed into the inner (left) lane to pick up your child. Please understand that if you arrive prior to 3:00 pm we will direct you back around the loop to avoid congestion. Reality is that if you arrive closer to 3:20 p.m. you should have a relatively easy drive through the loop. Please consider arriving at this time.
Recent Emails
Spirit Rock Signup
- The sign up for painting the campus Spirit Rocks may be found here.
go/30E0C4AAAAA292-50610617- therock#/
The Spirit Rocks, located beside the Fine Arts building, Lower School and Upper School, are available for painting birthday messages as well as messages of congratulations or well-wishes to students. Rock reservations will be on a first-come/first-served basis. Please keep in mind, the earlier you make your reservations the more likely your desired date(s) will be available. The calendar will show whether dates are available. You may start painting the rock at 5:00 pm on the day BEFORE your reserved date (i.e. if you reserved the rock for a Tuesday, you may start painting at 5:00 pm on Monday evening). The cost of rock is $10.00/day and payment will be collected on My Payments Plus within 48 hours of creating your reservation to successfully secure your date(s).
School Supplies
Lower and Middle School families have the option to purchase supplies on their own (according to the grade level specific lists) or purchase a Supply Pack, which is ordered online and delivered directly to the school for your convenience. Please see more details on these pages:
Upper School lists vary, as students' class schedules vary. Students should come prepared with their laptops, and basic supplies such as a notebook and pen or pencil. Teachers will request supplies specific to their classes in the first few days of school.