Counseling Services

Pine Lake is pleased to offer counseling services to our students and families. Our counselors help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development, ensuring that they develop into productive, well-adjusted young adults. 

Laura Finney and family

Hello!  My name is Laura Finney and I am the counselor at the lower school.  I am so excited to help to support the social, emotional, and academic growth of each student.  I live in Mooresville with my husband Kevin, my children Casen and Hanna, and our goldendoodle Conan.  My children both attend PLP. 

I received a Master’s Degree in Counseling from UNCC and am a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate.  I have worked as a counselor in the University setting and have counseled students at Mooresville Graded School District grades K-12.  I am also a certified Equine therapist. 

In my free time I enjoy gardening, boating, and spending time with my family.  I also enjoy reading John Grisham novels and I hope to write a book of my own one day. 

I look forward to getting to know each of you and supporting the students and families of Pine Lake Prep. 

Please reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or if you would like to speak further regarding the needs of your child. 

Contacts for
Counseling Services:

Lower School:
Laura Finney

Donna Hicks

Middle School:
Heather Craddock

Upper School:
Dana Catchpole

Additional Community Resources

Click Link for list of resources for counseling experts in a variety of fields. 

Individual Counseling

Students may come see the school counselor for a number of reasons: 

-making & keeping friends
-setting goals
-learning social skills
-feeling good about yourself & boosting self-esteem
-making good choices
-being responsible & respectful
-understanding & working with strong feelings
-conflict resolution
-changes at home or school
-experiencing loss or grief

​It is important to remember that school counselors do not provide long term therapy. It is recommended that they only see students for a few sessions before deciding to make a referral to a community resource. ​



Classroom Lessons

Classroom lessons will focus on character traits throughout the school year that are essential for students to learn in order to become well-rounded, active members of the community as they mature. These lessons will focus on PRIDE this year as well as a few other important character traits including: 




-Driven to Excellence






...and more as needs arise!

Group Counseling

Students may be asked to participate in group counseling sessions throughout the year that focus on the various needs of students that can include: 

-grief & loss of a loved one

-stress, worry, & anxiety

-social skills

-new to Pine Lake Prep/Mooresville area students



Permission forms will be sent home to guardians if a student is referred for a group. Community resources also come to our school and lead groups related to grief and worries.

504 Plans

I also serve as the 504 Case Manager for students who have a plan or for parents who desire to determine eligibility for a 504 Plan for their child . For more information on 504 Plans check out the links below: 

Parent's Guide to 504 Plans

Understanding 504 Plans

​If you feel that your child can benefit from the accommodations and modifications provided in a 504 Plan feel free to contact me, your teacher or the Lower School administration to start the process.