Pathways to Graduation at PLP
There are three pathways that students make take to graduate with a Pine Lake Preparatory diploma. They are college focus, vocational focus, and life skills and vocational focus.
Future Ready (College focus)
Occupational Course of Study (Vocational focus)
The Occupational Course of Study is intended to meet the needs of a small group of students with disabilities who need a modified curriculum that focuses on post-school employment and independent living. The OCS is a modified standard course of study consisting of fifteen courses in English, mathematics, science, occupational preparation and social studies. Students are also required to complete career/technical education credits, healthful living and electives, as needed to complete local graduation requirements. Each student must complete 300 hours of school-based vocational training, 240 hours of community-based vocational training and 360 hours of paid employment. Each student must complete a career portfolio documenting completion of course of study requirements. The IEP Team, which includes parents and the student, makes recommendations as to the appropriateness of the OCS for a particular student based on his/her post-school transition needs and goals.
Note: The course work for OCS does not include the minimum requirement for entrance into college.
Leads to: NC High School Future Ready Diploma
Extended Standards (Life skills and vocational focus)
A small percentage of students have disabilities that impact their educational progress such that graduation with a North Carolina High School Diploma (either through the Future-Ready Core or the Occupational Course of Study) is not practical. These students typically have more significant cognitive disabilities and often have additional disabilities. They still are taught content linked to the general curriculum, the Extended Content Standards. The extended content standards also address other educational needs to prepare them for real-life areas such as employment, independent living and recreation/leisure. These students can earn a Graduation Certificate if they must successfully complete 21 course credits in high school and pass all requirements of their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Leads to: NC Graduation Certificate
(Adapted from CSD Pathways to Graduation [Greg Cain, author])