Staff Directory

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Brette Webb

Brette Webb
Degrees: Masters in Art Education (Visual Arts K-12)
Locations: Upper, Middle and Upper, Middle
Departments: Fine Arts, Visual Arts

A gift I was born with is best described as teaching. I am an artist, maker, teacher, coach, partner, problem solver, mentor, and friend who feels that life is about connection. I’m well versed in gaining insight from unsuspecting resources and life experiences. My teaching super power is  that I learn in front of my audience, making students feel safe when vulnerable. I find authentic reasons to praise, (and do so often). 

Statements you may hear me say, “Have an opinion, but be sure it’s an educated one.” I feel that diversity is to be discovered, considered, discussed, and studied in the art culture and we do so by “Reading” works of art before judgment. It is through foreign (and familiar) fundamentals that we lead, and are led, to newfound awareness that encourages connection and confidence in our human family. 

Technique and fundamentals are incorporated into layered thoughtful exercises in class. 


Favorite Quotes:


2- “A line is a dot that went for a walk.” ~Paul Klee

Susan York

Susan York
Degrees: Bachelor of Arts - (English, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Locations: Upper, Lower, Middle, Admin
Departments: Administration
“Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.” —Sidney Hook