Used Uniform Sales
Our last sale was July 27, 2024.
Next Sale Coming Soon.
A T T E N T I O N P A R E N T S :
The next used uniform sale is just around the corner and we need your donations!!
Please place all used uniform donations in the bins located under the bench in the lobby of the lower and middle schools and/or in the bin located under the bench outside room 130 in the upper school.
The PTO holds Used Uniform Sales on campus throughout the year so families can stock up on gently used pieces. These sales allow us to use donated gently used uniform items as a fundraiser! It is really a win-win for the PTO, the school, and for parents!
Please keep an eye on our Facebook Page for updates on upcoming sales! In the meantime, if you have a need, please email us at to see if we can help.
Donate gently used uniform items by dropping them off at the school.
Bins are located under the benches in the lower school and middle school lobbies.
In the upper school, the bin is located under the benches outside room 130.
If you have any questions please e-mail us at